
Friday, October 21, 2011

Super 8: is mind-blowing !!

Rating: 3.5/5

After weeks of CGI burdened-soul dead and buried-deep-down action flicks & countless rom-coms, here comes the film with an irresistible charm. 

J.J. Abrams, who made terrific “LOST” series, has directed “Super 8” under the banner of Steven Spielberg and set of two have done a terrific job. Storyline of course borrows many things from Spielberg’s very own classic E.T. but Super 8, set in 70’s is constructed very artistically and sentiments are supplied magnanimously which spell binds its viewers effortlessly.

A bunch of naïve kids are very enthusiastic for making a full length feature film whose central plot mainly revolves around zombie. In their earnest effort to reach the goal, they come across one train accident, one which changes their lives and others’ too. Soon, wildly peculiar accidents begin in the town like missing of numerous dogs, engines vanishing from automobiles and most common, fluctuations in the electricity. After keeping on toes for a considerable time, J.J Abrams finally unlocks the bolts by showing us gigantic and dangerous alien who’s behind all mishap.

From phase of “absolutely amazing”, film speedily goes to “mind numbingly stupid” phase without giving us any sort of warning. For most of the part, film wonderfully worked as thriller but by the time it reached its climax it just became silly. Climax successfully managed to suck the thrill out of this almost jaw-dropping film.

Film is stunningly shot, each and every frame is luminous and period of 70’s can be really felt. Train getting derailed and the way each and every bogie jumps and explodes, it’s just incredible. Also, battle scenes post interval are classy. 

After Dakota Gayo performing extraordinarily in Real Steel last week, we have Joel Courtney this week who anchors the film (as Joe) with everything he has got and delivers a splendid performance. As a female lead, Elle Fanning (as Alice) gives decent performance. Kyle Chandler (as Jackson) is portrayed as strict father and courageous military man. My personal favorite in whole cast is Riley Griffiths whose humorous act as film’s director is just so adorable that you wish for more and more scenes portraying him. 

Apart from the ending, there was nothing worth complaining here. Kids in the film very comically explained the term “production-value” and the gags involving that term were indeed memorable ones. And to be honest, those kids looked more passionate about their film project than most of the bollywood directors. Their 2 mins movie seemed much much funnier than full length comedy films of bollywood. Cheers to the film within film. You, watch both and cherish. 

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